COVID-19 Information

Restriction Update

Whilst facemasks are no longer a requirement when attending the surgery, you may consider to do so to help protect yourself and those patients who are vulnerable.

The safety of our patients and staff remains our priority many patients who attend the surgery remain at risk of complications from Coronavirus infection and by continuing with these measures we will be protecting everyone.

Covid-19 is still active and continues to infect all age groups, even those who are fully vaccinated. Therefore, if you or other household members have ANY symptoms of Covid-19, if at all possible, please stay at home.  You can contact the surgery either by telephone and ask for a telephone consultation or online through the website.   If the Doctor still needs to see you we will make arrangements for you to come into the surgery.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Dr R James, Dr A Dickie and Dr I McIntyre

Who will get the vaccination and when?

Vaccination Patients who are eligable for a COVID vaccination may receive a text message or letter from the NHS national team, offering the option to book a COVID vaccine at a mass vaccination site or pharmacy.  If you wish to do this please just follow the instructions in your letter or text to book. Please do not call the surgery about this – the letter is from the NHS centrally, not from us, and we have no influence over these appointments.

Please do not ring the surgery to enquire about having it locally

The number of phone calls we are receiving about vaccines is making it very difficult for other patients needing healthcare to speak to us.

Any queries regarding Covid Vaccinations please contact 119

Proof of vaccinations

​International travel seems to now be permitted to a number of countries and in some cases proof of Covid-19 vaccination is still required. The mechanism for proving your vaccine status is through the NHS app. For those who cannot access the NHS app you can request written proof that you have received your Covid-19 vaccination by contacting the NHS on 119. Please do not contact your GP practice.